Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 169 Accepted Submission(s): 79
Problem Description
Given n, k, calculate the number of different (unordered) partitions of n such that no part is repeated k or more times.
First line, number of test cases, T. Following are T lines. Each line contains two numbers, n and k. 1<=n,k,T<=10 5
T lines, each line contains answer to the responding test case. Since the numbers can be very large, you should output them modulo 10 9+7.
Sample Input
4 4 2 4 3 4 4 4 5
Sample Output
2 4 4 5
- (1)
- 再
- (2)
- 将(2)式带入(1)式,并乘到(1)式的左边,进行展开,合并同类项,根据非常数项的系数为0!!
- 即将 生成函数配合 ,可以得到以下的递归关系式
- 以上就可以把 求出来了,接下来就来看看本题与之有什么联系呢?
- 首先我们可以写出本题的母函数
- Σf(n)xˆn=(1+x+x^2+..+x^(k-1))*(1+x^2+x^4+..+x^2(k-1))*..*(1+x^n+..+x^n(k-1));(题目中说 no part is repeated k or more times)
- =(1-x^k)*(1-x^2k)*...*(1-x^nk)/((1-x)*(1-x^2)*....*(1-x^n);
- =(1-x^k)*(1-x^2k)*...*(1-x^nk)*Σp(n)xˆn;
- 对于(1-x^k)*(1-x^2k)*...*(1-x^nk),可令x^k=y;再利用五边形定理将其打开;
- 之后就简单啦!!自己搞一下吧!!
1 #include
2 typedef __int64 ll; 3 const int mo=1000000007; 4 int p[100010]; 5 void pre() 6 { 7 p[0]=1; 8 for(int i=1;i<=100000;i++) 9 {10 int t=1,ans=0,kk=1;11 while(1)12 {13 int tmp1,tmp2;14 tmp1=(3*kk*kk-kk)/2;15 tmp2=(3*kk*kk+kk)/2;16 if(tmp1>i)break;17 ans=(ll)(ans+(ll)t*p[i-tmp1]+mo)%mo;18 if(tmp2>i)break;19 ans=(ll)(ans+(ll)t*p[i-tmp2]+mo)%mo;20 t=-t;21 kk++;22 }23 p[i]=ans;24 }25 }26 ll work(int n,int k)27 {28 int i,j;29 ll ans;30 ans=p[n];31 int t=1,kk=1;32 while(1)33 {34 t=-t;35 ll tmp1,tmp2;36 tmp1=(ll)k*(3*kk*kk-kk)/2;37 tmp2=(ll)k*(3*kk*kk+kk)/2;38 if(tmp1>n)break;39 ans=(ans+t*p[n-tmp1]+mo)%mo;40 if(tmp2>n)break;41 ans=(ans+t*p[n-tmp2]+mo)%mo;42 kk++;43 }44 return ans;45 }46 int main()47 {48 pre();49 int T,n,k;50 scanf("%d",&T);51 while(T--)52 {53 scanf("%d%d",&n,&k);54 ll ans=work(n,k);55 printf("%I64d\n",ans);56 }57 }